For over a year now we have been using the most amazing pet services though a company called "Fetch!"
To get to their website go to
They are completely professional- a bonded, and insured company with trained people working there who are all back ground checked. I won't go on and on, just check it out for yourself! We usually have our sitter (whom we interviewed and met at our house before we actually used her) come out in the morning and evening. She will play with the cats, pet them, brush them and clean the litter box and feed them. We have left Porter alone for a couple of days before and when we came back he was pretty ticked with us and made that clear. When we come back after using Fetch! he runs to greet us and is so happy. I get the peace of mind knowing someone is checking in on the house and the cats twice a day and knowing if anything goes wrong I have someone to personally call and they can be there when I need. If we decide to stay on vacation a couple of extra days we can just call and extend our services. If we are unable to get the cat to a vet visit we can call them to pick up the cat and take them there to the vet and back home. They are for any pet and we highly recommend them.
We will be going on vacation soon and will be using their services again. This is the first time we will have Charlie and Porter alone together for so long, so I am glad to know they will have someone checking on them. Whether you have a cat or dog, check out this company for your pet care needs!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
cats with eating disorders?
It has been a struggle the past few days in this house between Us and the cats. Porter is trying to get fatty-mc-fat-pants on us and eat Charlie's food and Charlie decided he wants to eat nearly 1/4 of what he should be eating.
Before Charlie came along Porter has never had any reason to worry about his next meal. He gets a breakfast and then a dinner when I get home. We recently upgraded one of his meals to a more cat-friendly wet food which he loves. With two food bowls out now he is trying to keep Charlie's head out of his bowl and he also tries to sneak some extra food when we are not looking. There is some competition eating going on these days and it is not good for him. I don't want a fatty cat!
And then there is Charlie who is deciding he is not hungry. He should be eating the equivalent of 4 "servings" a day (where Porter gets only 2). He might be getting one whole serving... if I sit there with him and coax him into eating. How do you coax a cat? Well, for Charlie it involves me feeding him on the bathroom counter with the door shut so he can focus on the task at hand- dinner! I have to sit there next to him literally touching him the whole time. He will take a few bites then want to nuzzle me. I don't know where this is coming from!? He was doing so well with eating all of his food just a few days ago.
We are going on vacation soon and this new habit is a big problem. We can't have the pet sitter (will blog about the pet sitting services another day- they are AMAZING!) there all day to keep them eating the way they should be. They will be there twice a day while we are gone- once for breakfast and once for dinner. During each 30 minute visit they will feed the cats, brush them, change the litter box and play with them. I can't have the food ritual take up all of their time. So what to do?! Unfortunately I think they will have to stay on dry food while we are gone because it is the one way I can be sure Porter won't overeat. He is only mildly thrilled with dry food so once he has had enough I can be sure he won't be snacking on Charlie's. I just hope Charlie eats enough. Surely he will eat if he is hungry- right?!?
I wish I could have gotten Charlie on video trying to fight Mark for a piece of chicken the other day. We do NOT give our cats table food and especially Charlie who is so young would not have a history with table food but sure enough we were having dinner at the table when Charlie decided to join us. He jumped on the table and was going manic trying to get past Mark's hands to eat that chicken. His whole body was shaking and he was crying and Mark had to pick up the plate and walk away to stop him. It was like we have been starving him and he was so desperate for food- meanwhile he has a big bowl full of juicy chicken cat food dinner right there that he was ignoring. Meanwhile, Porter is watching the whole time, his mouth watering for that uneaten food *licking his whiskers* while he just ate his whole can of food already. That is why Mark calls Porter "Fatty Mc. Fat Fat" and Charlie is "Baby Fat" :)
Before Charlie came along Porter has never had any reason to worry about his next meal. He gets a breakfast and then a dinner when I get home. We recently upgraded one of his meals to a more cat-friendly wet food which he loves. With two food bowls out now he is trying to keep Charlie's head out of his bowl and he also tries to sneak some extra food when we are not looking. There is some competition eating going on these days and it is not good for him. I don't want a fatty cat!
And then there is Charlie who is deciding he is not hungry. He should be eating the equivalent of 4 "servings" a day (where Porter gets only 2). He might be getting one whole serving... if I sit there with him and coax him into eating. How do you coax a cat? Well, for Charlie it involves me feeding him on the bathroom counter with the door shut so he can focus on the task at hand- dinner! I have to sit there next to him literally touching him the whole time. He will take a few bites then want to nuzzle me. I don't know where this is coming from!? He was doing so well with eating all of his food just a few days ago.
We are going on vacation soon and this new habit is a big problem. We can't have the pet sitter (will blog about the pet sitting services another day- they are AMAZING!) there all day to keep them eating the way they should be. They will be there twice a day while we are gone- once for breakfast and once for dinner. During each 30 minute visit they will feed the cats, brush them, change the litter box and play with them. I can't have the food ritual take up all of their time. So what to do?! Unfortunately I think they will have to stay on dry food while we are gone because it is the one way I can be sure Porter won't overeat. He is only mildly thrilled with dry food so once he has had enough I can be sure he won't be snacking on Charlie's. I just hope Charlie eats enough. Surely he will eat if he is hungry- right?!?
I wish I could have gotten Charlie on video trying to fight Mark for a piece of chicken the other day. We do NOT give our cats table food and especially Charlie who is so young would not have a history with table food but sure enough we were having dinner at the table when Charlie decided to join us. He jumped on the table and was going manic trying to get past Mark's hands to eat that chicken. His whole body was shaking and he was crying and Mark had to pick up the plate and walk away to stop him. It was like we have been starving him and he was so desperate for food- meanwhile he has a big bowl full of juicy chicken cat food dinner right there that he was ignoring. Meanwhile, Porter is watching the whole time, his mouth watering for that uneaten food *licking his whiskers* while he just ate his whole can of food already. That is why Mark calls Porter "Fatty Mc. Fat Fat" and Charlie is "Baby Fat" :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Charlie's big night
Well, it was an uneventful night last night... which is great news! We finally felt like Charlie was ready to stay out in the living room with Porter last night rather that sleeping in his nursery (the guest bathroom).
We cleared out anything that he might want to play with or accidentally knock down. And, we covered the sofa with sheets to protect it from scratching. Porter doesn't scratch the furniture and so far Charlie doesn't either but I have seen him climbing the arms with his nails because he is too small to jump that high, for now!
I was expecting things to go well and it seems that is what happened. They are alive and well and my house looks the same as it did before bed last night! Woo hoo! We will be so glad to get him out in the rest of the house and out of the bathroom. He has a few nights to prove himself then we can do a test run for being out during the day while we are at work.
The main two reasons we were confining him were: a) he was so young and we didn't know if Porter would try to harm him while we weren't watching, and b) he has been sick from the first day we brought him home and we were trying to make sure he rested and didn't over work his little body.
Charlie is all well now and Porter has proven he is a trustworthy cat. We are getting there! This morning it was so nice to be woken up by little Charlie rubbing his face all over me. I think this is what kittens do to find their moms when they are newborns, and he now reverts to that when he is happy and showing affection. And he purrs and kneads you, your shirt, your leg, a blanket, even the floor if you watch him eat. It is funny to see him eat and purr and knead with his feet all at the same time. I say that is a content cat!
We cleared out anything that he might want to play with or accidentally knock down. And, we covered the sofa with sheets to protect it from scratching. Porter doesn't scratch the furniture and so far Charlie doesn't either but I have seen him climbing the arms with his nails because he is too small to jump that high, for now!
I was expecting things to go well and it seems that is what happened. They are alive and well and my house looks the same as it did before bed last night! Woo hoo! We will be so glad to get him out in the rest of the house and out of the bathroom. He has a few nights to prove himself then we can do a test run for being out during the day while we are at work.
The main two reasons we were confining him were: a) he was so young and we didn't know if Porter would try to harm him while we weren't watching, and b) he has been sick from the first day we brought him home and we were trying to make sure he rested and didn't over work his little body.
Charlie is all well now and Porter has proven he is a trustworthy cat. We are getting there! This morning it was so nice to be woken up by little Charlie rubbing his face all over me. I think this is what kittens do to find their moms when they are newborns, and he now reverts to that when he is happy and showing affection. And he purrs and kneads you, your shirt, your leg, a blanket, even the floor if you watch him eat. It is funny to see him eat and purr and knead with his feet all at the same time. I say that is a content cat!
Monday, July 19, 2010
...and then Prince Charles
I wanted another cat. Plain and simple. Why not? They are cute and I enjoy one so two would be twice the fun.
First we started searching websites for different adoption programs for cats and local shelters. We found that the local SPCA had pictures of cats that were up for adoption on the website and fell in love with a few so we went for a visit. On the first visit I found so many kitties in cages meowing at me very disturbing. I admit I got choked up. There were kittens playing with each other and some cats that were trying to get your attention as you walked by in the way of calling for you and sticking their arms out of the cage. It was so sad.
We went back a few times and on the fourth visit I was looking through the cages and there were so many pretty cats.... and then there was "Prince".
Prince was a sad sight. He was very dirty looking and sat very quietly in the same spot the whole time. He just stared out of the cage with a very heart-breaking look on his little face.
Mark calls him "train wreck". I call him "dirty boy". He has strange litter box habits and doesn't quite groom himself the way most cats would. He is a ball of energy and loves to stalk you and then jump at you with all four legs off the ground. He purrs so much and loves to be held and sit with you. I am looking forward to when he outgrows his kitten nursery (the guest bathroom) and gets free reign of the house. He adores Porter and loves to go find him first thing when he gets let out of his room in the mornings. They are happy to share a food bowl but Porter does have to keep him in line with some paw swipes and cat bites every now and then.
Since he was already named Prince from his previous owners I added Charles to it. So, Prince Charles, aka Charlie, welcome to the family!
First we started searching websites for different adoption programs for cats and local shelters. We found that the local SPCA had pictures of cats that were up for adoption on the website and fell in love with a few so we went for a visit. On the first visit I found so many kitties in cages meowing at me very disturbing. I admit I got choked up. There were kittens playing with each other and some cats that were trying to get your attention as you walked by in the way of calling for you and sticking their arms out of the cage. It was so sad.
We went back a few times and on the fourth visit I was looking through the cages and there were so many pretty cats.... and then there was "Prince".
Prince was a sad sight. He was very dirty looking and sat very quietly in the same spot the whole time. He just stared out of the cage with a very heart-breaking look on his little face.
"Prince" in his cage at the SPCA
The worker there told me how sweet he was and that I should hold him. She took him out of the cage and in less than 5 minutes I decided to adopt him and take him home. The next day he had his neutering and I came to pick up a quiet and very placid kitten. He was sick which was why he was so mellow for a kitten. Well, we nursed him back to health for a couple of weeks and now he is a completely different cat, in a good way!Mark calls him "train wreck". I call him "dirty boy". He has strange litter box habits and doesn't quite groom himself the way most cats would. He is a ball of energy and loves to stalk you and then jump at you with all four legs off the ground. He purrs so much and loves to be held and sit with you. I am looking forward to when he outgrows his kitten nursery (the guest bathroom) and gets free reign of the house. He adores Porter and loves to go find him first thing when he gets let out of his room in the mornings. They are happy to share a food bowl but Porter does have to keep him in line with some paw swipes and cat bites every now and then.
Prince Charles, aka Charlie, meeting Porter
Since he was already named Prince from his previous owners I added Charles to it. So, Prince Charles, aka Charlie, welcome to the family!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Meet Porter the cat
Before my husband, Mark, and I were married I had 2 dogs. One was named Sasha and I had taken her with me from Kansas when I moved to Florida. Not long after I arrived in Florida I wanted another dog, so I found Mako. Long story short, Sasha passed away and I had to send Mako to stay with my parents when Mark and I were married because we were moving to an apartment and could not afford the pet fees and all of the expenses from the wedding and our honeymoon and moving, etc., all at once. So, here I am, a girl who has always been around dogs ever since I can remember, and I was animal-less. We knew we could not keep up with a dog so we just forgot about the whole thing and went on with our life.
Fast forward
It was in 2007 when we purchased our first home. It was also the same year Mark started talking about changing jobs and part of that change would require an extended stay away from home for 6 months while he was training. At some point he suggested getting a cat. To me! The cat-hater. I thought it was a joke and didn't give it much thought. Well, I thought about it for a few weeks and had been discussing it with my co-workers (who all thought it was funny since I had previously shared my feelings about cats with them) when I began to accept the possibility. A cat would provide me company while Mark was gone and give me something to focus on during the 6 months he was away.
One day my co-worker approached me with a plea to come get this cat her daughter had left with her. She said that he was very sweet and cute but she already had a cat and wasn't planning on another one. I agreed to go meet him. I went to her home and I saw this long legged orange and white cat with the cutest face I had ever seen and a long tail and one white leg. It took about 5 minutes for me to fall in love with him. I made a plan to surprise Mark with the cat for an early birthday present for him.
Porter when we brought him home in 2007

Porter came home with us and didn't make a sound the whole car ride home. We let him out and he was shy but very curious. He soon found his favorite spots in the house- in front of the windows and up on the top of the kitchen cabinets. He is a scardey cat and hates loud noises and sudden movements. He has a very loud purr and loves to have his butt scratched. He is still one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. I love to project human characteristics into the things he does and I think that annoys him. He stares at me with squinty eyes when he is pretending to be mad at me. He follows me from room to room but in a way that makes it seem coincidental that I am there. He runs to greet me when I come home and I scoop him up and give him kisses before I feed him. This is one of the few times he allows me to hold him. He is the opposite of a "lap cat" and doesn't enjoy when I try to make him sit with me.
He has recently became a big brother and is very annoyed by this. He looks at me with these eyes that say, "Save ME!" when little Charlie is play-attacking him. He is very protective of his food and his 'spots' that he has claimed around the house. He has to go check out Charlie's food bowl to make sure there is nothing special that he is missing out on. I have noticed that he is much more affectionate with us now. He became very ill a week or so ago as a result of catching a virus from Charlie (who caught it from the shelter where we adopted him). We have been babying him and giving him his favorite canned food so I think this has won him over even more to us despite the fact we introduced a tiny monster into his home.
Porter is just a wonderful cat. I am so glad I took a chance on this cat because he has completely changed my mind about the whole feline species!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Cat Mom
I can't believe I was ever a cat-hater. Yes, I admit it. I really did not like them. REALLY did not like them. In fact I thought they were evil and spiteful and hated the way they stared at me. Growing up with dogs, fish, hermit crabs and gerbils left me unknowing to the ways of cats. That said, when I did encounter cats I had bad experiences involving fangs and claws.
What changed? Well, I guess I did. One day my husband suggested getting a cat and I don't remember what my initial reaction was but I am sure that I made a sarcastic comment about the idea. Since then we have adopted 2 male cats which we have named Porter and Prince Charles. I will go into the details of each one's adoption stories another day. So, I guess that makes me a 'cat mom'.
Just like a responsible parent would, I find myself reading books about cats and when I think there is a problem or if I have a question I will go to other cat parents and the web to seek advice about the situation. I also take loads of pictures of my two buddies. I love to compare stories with other cat parents, and also human parents ;) These guys make me laugh and have made me cry like a baby when something goes wrong with them. My vet must think I am much too sensitive for this job. If I had my head shrunk the doc would probably tell me that I have unconscious desires to start a family and that I am channeling my motherly instincts into these two cats as if they were real children of mine. Yes, I am aware of this and, No, I do not care.
My husband puts up with my cat love affair very well. We made a deal that as long as the house is clean and looks mostly cat-free... if it makes me happy then it makes him happy. He says he likes them, but I know he loves them. I see the way they look at him as if to say, "don't worry, Dad. We won't tell Mom your secret." One day I will come home to the three of them all sharing a pillow or something but until then I will just pretend like I don't know what is really going on.
Welcome to My World
We have had our oldest cat, Porter, for a few years now. My husband and I adopted him before Thanksgiving in 2007. We recently added Prince Charles (Charlie) this year on my birthday, June 23rd. We do not have kids so these boys are all we have to talk about with our friends- since they all have kids already. There are so many differences in these two kitties it just amazes me. Porter is very calm and regal. He like to keep his surroundings and himself very clean. He is constantly grooming himself and doesn't like a hair out of place. What a surprise when we got Charlie home... he is our dirty boy. He likes to make messes and get into everything. I can have his area spotless and before I know it he has food bits and litter and foot prints everywhere. Oh, and I have yet to see him groom himself more than to lick some wet food off of his paw.
There will be many stories to share about these two. For now I want to welcome you into our world and... Porter says "whatever" and Charlie says "do you have any food?"
There will be many stories to share about these two. For now I want to welcome you into our world and... Porter says "whatever" and Charlie says "do you have any food?"
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